DeltaSpike ProjectStage


Project stages allow to use implementations depending on the current environment. E.g. you can implement a bean which creates sample-data for system tests which gets activated only in case of project-stage SystemTest.

Besides custom project-stages it's possible to use the following pre-defined project-stages:

  • UnitTest
  • Development
  • SystemTest
  • IntegrationTest
  • Staging
  • Production

The core provides a pluggable and type-safe approach for using project stages in a project (it's also used within the framework). Furthermore, @Exclude allows to use e.g. i mplementations annotated with javax.enterprise.inject.Alternative for specific project-stages. Besides the out-of-the-box project-stages it's possible to implement custom but type-safe project-stages which will be exposed by DeltaSpike.

Resolving and using the Project-Stage:

private ProjectStage projectStage;


boolean isDevProjectStage = ProjectStage.Development.equals(this.projectStage);

Custom Project Stages

It's possible to provide custom project stage implementations. Therefore, you have to provide an implementation of the ProjectStageHolder interface. In this class you nest the custom project-stage implementations which have to be public static final class and it's required to extend ProjectStage. It's required to provide a public static final instance even though, you won't use it directly.

ProjectStageHolder for custom project stage implementations:

public class CustomProjectStageHolder implements ProjectStageHolder
    public static final class CustomProjectStage extends ProjectStage
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1029094387976167179L;

    public static final CustomProjectStage CustomProjectStage = new CustomProjectStage();

Configure your custom ProjectStageHolder in META-INF/services/org.apache.deltaspike.core.api.projectstage.ProjectStageHolder. The file has to provide the fully qualified class name of the custom implementation of the ProjectStageHolder interface.

Usage of a custom project stage:

ProjectStage customProjectStage;
customProjectStage = ProjectStage.valueOf("CustomProjectStage");
customProjectStage = CustomProjectStageHolder.CustomProjectStage;
@Exclude(ifProjectStage = CustomProjectStageHolder.CustomProjectStage.class)

ProjectStageProducer (for 3rd party portable extensions)

ProjectStageProducer provides the producer method which allows to inject the current project-stage. However, in some cases it's needed to use project-stages also during the bootstrapping process of the CDI container and you can't use injection. In such cases you can use ProjectStageProducer.getInstance().getProjectStage() to resolve the current project-stage. This helper also contains helpers for unit-tests - e.g. #setProjectStage. However, those methods shouldn't be needed for users (we just need them for testing different project-stage scenarios).

Setting the active ProjectStage

For setting the ProjectStage which shall get used in your application you can specify it in a few ways. The underlying mechanism used to determine the string is the ConfigResolver. E.g.:
