Scheduler Module


This module provides a simple integration with Quartz v2 (per default) or any other scheduler which supports cron-expressions for job-classes.

External Dependencies

If you would like to use the default-integration with quartz (which is optional), you have to add quartz 2.x.



Just annotate your Quartz-Jobs with @Scheduled and they will get picked up and passed to the scheduler automatically (during the bootstrapping process).

@Scheduled(cronExpression = "0 0/10 * * * ?")
public class CdiAwareQuartzJob implements org.quartz.Job
    private MyService service;

    public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException

In such Quartz-jobs CDI based dependency-injection is enabled. Furthermore, the request- and session-scope get started (and stopped) per job-execution. Therefore, the container-control module (of DeltaSpike) is required. That can be controlled via @Scheduled#startScopes (possible values: all scopes supported by the container-control module as well as {} for 'no scopes').

With 'false' for @Scheduled#onStartup it's even possible to schedule/install jobs dynamically - e.g.:

public class ProjectStageAwareSchedulerController
    private Scheduler<Job> jobScheduler;

    private ProjectStage projectStage;

    public void registerJobs()
        if (ProjectStage.Production.equals(this.projectStage))
            //see 'false' for @Scheduled#onStartup

    @Scheduled(cronExpression = "0 0/10 * * * ?", onStartup = false)
    public class ManualCdiAwareQuartzJob implements org.quartz.Job
        private MyService service;

        public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException

Manual Scheduler Control

This SPI allows to control the scheduler (or integrate any other compatible scheduler as an alternative to Quartz2)

Via std. injection like

private Scheduler<Job> jobScheduler;

it's possible to manually start/stop the scheduler, pause/resume/interrupt/check scheduled jobs, register jobs manually or start a job once (without registering it permanently).


With some versions of Weld you have to use

public class QuartzSchedulerProducer
    protected Scheduler<Job> produceScheduler(Scheduler scheduler)
        return scheduler;



to use a typed injection-point. Otherwise the deployment will fail.

Custom Scheduler

It's possible to replace the default integration with Quartz. Any other scheduler which supports cron-expressions for job-classes can be used. Please have a look at org.apache.deltaspike.test.scheduler.custom for further details.