Test-Control Module


This module is available since version 0.6 and allows to write CDI based tests easily.


Setup for the CDI implementation of your choice and the following test-dependencies:



If you are using OpenWebBeans also add the following test-dependency



If you are using Weld also add the following test-dependency



JUnit Test-Runner to start/stop the CDI-Container autom. (per test-class) and one request and session per test-method:

public class ContainerAndInjectionControl
    private ApplicationScopedBean applicationScopedBean;

    private SessionScopedBean sessionScopedBean;

    private RequestScopedBean requestScopedBean;

    //test the injected beans


@TestControl allows to change the default-behavior. In the following case only one session for all test-methods (of the test-class) will be created:

@TestControl(startScopes = SessionScoped.class)
public class CustomizedScopeHandling
    //inject beans and test them


JUnit Test-Suite-Runner to start/stop the CDI-Container autom. (per test-suite):

public class SuiteLevelContainerControl

Project-Stage Control

It's possible to overrule the default-project-stage for unit-tests (ProjectStage.UnitTest.class):

@TestControl(projectStage = CustomTestStage.class)
public class TestStageControl
    //tests here will see project-stage CustomTestStage.class

    @TestControl(projectStage = ProjectStage.Development.class)
    public void checkDevEnv()

    //tests here will see project-stage CustomTestStage.class

Optional Config

It's possible to set "deltaspike.testcontrol.stop_container" to "false" (via the std. DeltaSpike config). With that the CDI-Container will be started just once for all tests.


Don't forget to add a beans.xml in the test-module (e.g. src/test/resources/META-INF/beans.xml).

If you are using OpenWebBeans as CDI implementation and you need to test EJBs as well, you can use deltaspike-cdictrl-openejb + org.apache.openejb:openejb-core (instead of deltaspike-cdictrl-owb).

Optional Integrations

Mock Frameworks

With v0.8+ it's possible to mock CDI-Beans. Usually @Exclude (+ project-stage) is enough, however, for some cases mocked beans might be easier. Therefore it's possible to create (mock-)instances manually or via a mocking framework and add them e.g. via DynamicMockManager.

If you need dependency-injection in the mocked instances, you can use BeanProvider.injectFields(myMockedBean);.

public class MockedRequestScopedBeanTest
    private RequestScopedBean requestScopedBean;

    private DynamicMockManager mockManager;

    public void manualMock()
        mockManager.addMock(new RequestScopedBean() {
            public int getCount()
                return 7;

        Assert.assertEquals(7, requestScopedBean.getCount());
        Assert.assertEquals(7, requestScopedBean.getCount());

public class RequestScopedBean
    private int count = 0;

    public int getCount()
        return count;

    public void increaseCount()

Using a mocking framework makes no difference for adding the mock. E.g. via Mockito:

public class MockitoMockedRequestScopedBeanTest
    private RequestScopedBean requestScopedBean;

    private DynamicMockManager mockManager;

    public void mockitoMockAsCdiBean()
        RequestScopedBean mockedRequestScopedBean = mock(RequestScopedBean.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(7, requestScopedBean.getCount());
        Assert.assertEquals(7, requestScopedBean.getCount());

Since CDI implementations like OpenWebBeans use a lot of optimizations, it's required to handle mocks for application-scoped beans differently - e.g.:

public class MockedApplicationScopedBeanTest
    private ApplicationScopedBean applicationScopedBean;

    public static void init()
        ApplicationMockManager applicationMockManager = BeanProvider.getContextualReference(ApplicationMockManager.class);
        applicationMockManager.addMock(new MockedApplicationScopedBean());

    public void manualMock()
        Assert.assertEquals(14, applicationScopedBean.getCount());
        Assert.assertEquals(14, applicationScopedBean.getCount());

public class ApplicationScopedBean
    private int count = 0;

    public int getCount()
        return count;

    public void increaseCount()

@Typed() //exclude it for the cdi type-check
public class MockedApplicationScopedBean extends ApplicationScopedBean
    public int getCount()
        return 14;

However, ApplicationMockManager can be used for adding all mocks, if they should be active for the lifetime of the CDI-container.

It's also possible to mock qualified beans. Just add the literal-instance(s) as additional parameter(s) - e.g.:

public class MockedQualifiedBeanTest
    private QualifiedBean qualifiedBean;

    private DynamicMockManager mockManager;

    public void manualMockWithQualifier()
        mockManager.addMock(new QualifiedBean() {
            public int getCount()
                return 21;
        }, AnnotationInstanceProvider.of(MyQualifier.class));

        Assert.assertEquals(21, qualifiedBean.getCount());
        Assert.assertEquals(21, qualifiedBean.getCount());

In some cases it's needed to use @javax.enterprise.inject.Typed. Mocking such typed beans can result in an AmbiguousResolutionException. Therefore it's needed to exclude the mocked implementation via @Exclude or @Typed() (or a parametrized constructor) and specify the target-type via @TypedMock.

JSF (via MyFaces-Test)

add on of

  • org.apache.deltaspike.testcontrol.impl.jsf.MockedJsf2TestContainer
  • org.apache.deltaspike.testcontrol.impl.jsf.MockedJsfTestContainerAdapter
  • org.apache.deltaspike.testcontrol.impl.jsf.MyFacesContainerAdapter
  • org.apache.deltaspike.testcontrol.impl.jsf.MyFacesContainerPerTestMethodAdapter

as content to


(in your config-folder for tests e.g.: test/resources)

Mixed Tests

Usually you should have one kind of tests per test-module. However, if you need to add e.g. a test without an external-container to your test-module which uses external-containers, you can annotate your test with:

@TestControl(startExternalContainers = false)
public class JsfContainerTest

Known Restrictions


Liquibase invokes #toString in a AfterDeploymentValidation observer. that isn't portable and therefore you have to deactivate the mocking-support via:

public class LiquibaseAwareClassDeactivator implements ClassDeactivator {
    public Boolean isActivated(Class<? extends Deactivatable> targetClass) {
        return !"org.apache.deltaspike.testcontrol.impl.mock.MockExtension".equals(targetClass.getName());

and add LiquibaseAwareClassDeactivator to /META-INF/apache-deltaspike.properties - e.g.:


Further details are available at deactivatable.



org.apache.deltaspike.testcontrol.spi.ExternalContainer allows to integrate containers which get started after the CDI container. Currently DeltaSpike provides:

  • MockedJsf2TestContainer (integration with MyFaces-Test)