h3. APIs Original|Original API]\\ | *Deprecated* \- This is our original "REST-like" API \\ | /api \\ | Available \\ || [Streaming|ESME:API 2.0 - Design]\\ | *Current* \- This is our newest API that deals allows for streaming-based access \\ | /api2 \\ | Available \\ || [Twitter|Twitter API]\\ | *Twitter* \- We also support the Twitter API which allows for clients that support laconica to also use Apache ESME \\ | /twitter \\ | Available || [JMX|ESME:JMX REST API]\\ | This is an API that will users to access JMX-based \\ | /jmx \\ | Currently being designed \\ |
Name Description Default URL prefix Status
*Note*: _It is possible to change the used URL prefixes for the individual APIs via properties._ h4. Using an API *Clients should be developed using /api2.* If you wish to use a API, then you must take the server name and add the URL prefix. For example, _[http://esmecloudserverapache.dickhirsch.staxapps.net/twitter|http://esmecloudserverapache.dickhirsch.staxapps.net/twitter_]_ h5. Token All these APIs require that you use a token.