Our intention is to collaborate with as many different organizations as possible in order to provide the best value for those using this technology. || Organization || Description \\ || Status \\ || | akibot | [Akibot|http://akibot.blogspot.com/] is the first semantic actionable micro-blogging platform for the enterprise. Akibot not only allows real-time group collaboration and awareness through short, instant messages (like a Twitter for the company), but it also understands those messages and, if applicable, takes action. | [Overview and detailed use case available|ESME:Collaboration with Akibot]\\ | | OFBiz \\ | [The Apache Open For Business Project|http://ofbiz.apache.org/] is an open source enterprise automation software project licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. By open source enterprise automation we mean: Open Source ERP, Open Source CRM, Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce, Open Source SCM, Open Source MRP, Open Source CMMS/EAM, and so on. | [Initial brainstorming|http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ESME/Collaboration+with+OFbiz]\\ | | Thingamy | [http://thingamy.com/|http://thingamy.com/] Thingamy the Work processor adds a framework to the whole process of delivering a value, it be a service or a product. It starts out with a template closely suitable to your business workflow - project, legal advice, advertising, whatever - and lets you tweak the process. | [Overview and use cases|http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ESME/Collaboration+with+Thingamy]\\ | | \#ubimic | [http://ubimic.org|http://ubimic.org/]. is a group of university researchers interested in microblogging from different points of view (computer science, information systems, organizational science) | [Use case description currently in progress|ESME:Collaboration with ubimic]\\ |