h3. Quick start with ESME # Check out, [*what can ESME do*|Benefits] for you or your organization. # *Get you an OpenID* (either from an [Use existing OpenID provider|existing OpenID provider] or [your own OpenID provider setup|from your own OpenID provider]). # Go to an [*existing ESME installation*|Existing public ESME installations] or [create your *own ESME installation*|http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ESME/ESME+Installation+Guides]. # *Log on* there using your OpenID identifier. # *Happy social messaging!* h3. Expand your ESME experience * Check out the different [client applications|Apps] available and tested for ESME. * Don't miss the features for [actions|Actions] and [tracking|Tracking]. * Check out the different means to [integrate and interface with ESME|Integration and interfaces]. h3. What lies ahead * [*What makes ESME different*|Differentiation] from other social messaging applications? * [Where can I *post bugs and feature requests*|http://incubator.apache.org/esme/community/bugs.html#Apache+ESME+-+Change+Requests+and+Bug+Tracking]? * [What is your *development roadmap*|Development roadmap]? * [How can I *contribute to ESME*|Contribute]? h3. You are a developer * You can [check out the ESME source|Downloading Source] * You can contribute patches to the ESME Core * You can develop your own clients using ESME's own [REST API |http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ESME/RESTAPI]or our [Twitter API|http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ESME/TwitterAPI]; Here are the instructions to create your client. * You can collaborate on the [ESME mailing lists|ESME Mailing lists] h3. You are a potential user * You can check out [existing ESME installations|Existing public ESME installations] * You can [install ESME in your own environment|http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ESME/ESME+Installation+Guides]; * You are looking for [support materials|ESME:Enterprise Microblogging Support Materials] to justify the use enterprise microblogging. * Here is a [presentation|http://code.google.com/p/opentalkware/] about ESME