h1. REST API | h3. Current (RPC) | h3.REST | |GET /api/status |GET api/sessions\\ (It might make sense for this to return only the current session, but in theory it would return all sessions that the current session is allowed to access, so for an administrator, it might return all open sessions. An individual session would be accessed at GET api/sessions/SESSIONID.)\\ | |POST /api/login\\ token=API_TOKEN |POST api/sessions?token=API_TOKEN | |GET /api/logout |DELETE api/sessions/SESSIONID or\\ DELETE api/sessions?session=SESSIONID\\ (get SESSIONID from api/sessions) | |GET /api/get_msgs |GET api/users/USERID/messages\\ (get USERID from api/session) | |GET /api/wait_for_msgs |GET api/users/USERID/messages (long-poll?) | | \\ |GET api/messages/MESSAGEID\\ Gets a particular message. | |POST /api/send_msg\\ message=messagebody\\ via=client\\ tags=tags\\ metadata=XML_data\\ replyto=message_id |POST api/messages?message=MESSAGE_BODY&via=CLIENT&tags=TAGS&metadata=XML&replyto=MESSAGEID | | \\ |PUT api/messages/MESSAGEID (payload the same as POST) | | \\ |DELETE api/messages/MESSAGEID | |GET /api/get_following |GET api/users/USERID/followees | |GET /api/get_followers |GET api/users/USERID/followers | |POST /api/follow\\ user=id_of_user |POST api/users/USERID/followees/USERID2 or\\ POST api/users/USERID/followees?user=USERID2 | |POST /api/unfollow\\ user=id_of_user |DELETE api/users/USERID/followees/USERID2 or\\ DELETE api/users/USERID/followees?user=USERID2 | |GET /api/all_users |GET api/users | |GET /api/get_tagcloud\\ numTags=optional_no_of_tags |GET api/tags\\ (This doesn't really seem like an appropriate API method. It should really return all of the tags, or user-specific tags (GET api/tags/USERID) and let the front-end decide what to do with it.) | |GET /api/get_tracking |GET api/users/USERID/tracks | |POST /api/add_tracking\\ track=text |POST api/users/USERID/tracks?track=TEXT_TO_TRACK | |POST /api/remove_tracking\\ trackid=id_of_tracking_item |DELETE api/users/USERID/tracks/TRACKID | |GET /api/get_conversation\\ conversationid=Conversation_id |GET api/conversations/CONVERSATIONID | |GET /api/get_actions |GET api/users/USERID/actions\\ (Actions probably don't make sense outside of the context of a specific user.) | |POST /api/add_action\\ name=name\\ test=trigger\\ action=action |POST api/users/USERID/actions?name=NAME&test=TEST&action=ACTION | |POST /api/enable_action\\ id=action_id\\ enabled=true\|false |PUT api/users/USERID/actions/ACTIONID?enabled=true\|false\\ (This is actually a general outlet to update any attribute of an action, including whether or not it is enabled.) | |POST /api/delete_action\\ actionid=action_id |DELETE api/users/USERID/actions/ACTIONID | One point to note is that most HTTP clients do not currently support the "PUT" or "DELETE" methods, so these have to be simulatedthrough POST methods with an extra parameter. I think that because of the close mapping to resource verbs, is worth using these methods inthe specification and defining the simulation method for the entire APIseparately. The above is based on a rough object hierarchy as follows: * ESME API instance (api/) ** Sessions (api/sessions) ** Users (api/users) *** Messages posted by a user (api/users/USERID/messages) *** Users followed by a user (api/users/USERID/followees) *** Users following a user (api/users/USERID/followers) *** Trackers belonging to a user (api/users/USERID/tracks) *** Actions belonging to a user (api/users/USERID/actions) ** Messages (api/messages) ** Tags (api/tags) ** Conversations (api/conversations) Each of these bullets represents a set of objects. The resource representing an individual object lives at api/objects/OBJECTID. For example, api/sessions/SESSIONID. As much as is reasonable, one would expect to be able to GET (read), POST (create), PUT (update/amend), or DELETE (delete) any individual member of each of these object sets. Going through each of these objects to ask what it would mean to create, read, update, or delete that object may reveal holes in the existing API, some of which I have filled in above.