
Fault Name

bpel:invalidVariables -- {excerpt} variable failed to validate against a schema{excerpt}


This fault is thrown by the <[assign](assign.html)> and <[validate]> activities if a variable contains data that is inconsistent with its schema.

ODE does not currently perform _any_ variable data validation, hence this fault is never thrown.


The following BPEL will generate the fault in the <assign> activity:

<variable name="foo" type="xsd:string" />
<assign validate="yes">
    <to variable="foo">

The following BPEL will generate the fault in the <validate> activity:

<variable name="foo" type="xsd:string" />
<assign validate="no">
    <to variable="foo">

<validate variables="foo" />

See Also

<[assign](assign.html)>, <[validate]>