WSDL 1.1 HTTP Binding Support

HTTP Binding

Since version 1.2, ODE supports HTTP Binding. ODE is almost fully compliant with the WSDL 1.1 spec. The few limitations are related to MIME types. Actually only the following MIME types are supported: 1. Media types that represent XML MIME entities. Basically any types matching "text/xml", "application/xml" and "\*+xml". 1. Non-XML types will be processed as Text, thus Text Media Types comes de facto but they may have a very limited set of usages.

mime:multipartRelated, mime:soap:body and mime:mimeXml are not supported.

Considering how unsuitable WSDL 1.1 HTTP Binding is for a large majority of services -- especially RESTful services -- a set of extensions is available. All the details you want to know are here.