FAQ for Apache Stanbol users

Can I update the default DBpedia index with a bigger one?

Yes, you can just copy such an index from here into the sling/datafiles directory. It will be initialized automatically.

How about language support of enhancement engines?

Can I use my own vocabulary as linking target?

Yes, Stanbol provides you with and indexing tool for creating appropriate indexes for any kind of RDF data, vCard or SKOS vocabularies. Check "Using custom vocabulary"

Can I use existing SOLr indexes?

Yes, just provide a link within the org.apache.stanbol.commons.solr.impl.DefaultSolrDirectoryManager.name Bundle to a local directory, where you host the SOLr indexes, in order to reuse.

How can I get the values of HTTP headers through XMLHttpRequest in response of a CORS request?

In the course of Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing, once the value of a certain HTTP header is desired, the header must be exposed by the server within the Access-Control-Expose-Headers passed in the response of actual request i.e the one following the preflight if there is any. In the scope of Stanbol, the header values to be exposed by the server can be configured through the JerseyEndpoint component which can be found in the OSGi Configuration Panel of the Stanbol. Below you can see the figure depicting the JerseyEndpoint configuration dialog.

JerseyEndpoint configuration