HTTP entry points for Apache Stanbol services

The web interface of your Apache Stanbol installation provides information for the main HTTP entry points. Each resource comes with a web view that documents the matching RESTful API for applications.

Depending on which launcher you use, you will get a different set of services. By choosing the full launcher, you will get everything including experimental components, if you choose the stable launcher you will get the most stable components only.

Note: all links on this page direct to demo instances of Apache Stanbol. To be able to configure all services to your needs, you have run your own installation.

Stable Services

This is a stateless interface to allow clients to submit content to be analyzed by the Enhancement Engines and get the resulting RDF enhancements at once without storing anything on the server-side.

The Entityhub provides two main services: The entity network manages (external) referenced sites and lets one consume entity information, the Entityhub supports managing and using local entities.

This is the OSGi administration console (for administrators and developers). The initial username / password is set to admin / admin. Use the console to add new bundles and activate, de-activate and configure components. The console can also be used to perform hot-(re)deployment of any OSGi bundles.

For instance to re-deploy a new version of this web interface, go to the $STANBOL_HOME/enhancer/jersey source folder and run the following command:

$ mvn install -o -DskipTests -PinstallBundle \ -Dsling.url=http://localhost:8080/system/console

Services "in the Lab"