Editing the Website

The Apache Taverna website is maintained through a community effort. No matter your affiliation to the project, please help us improve the website by suggesting edits of any of the pages!


Apache Taverna's web pages are managed by the Apache CMS system, and most are written in Markdown. (These will have a .md file extension.)

Edit the web pages using either GitHub pull requests or the Apache CMS, as described below.

Please follow the editing guidelines when making changes.

(Raw pages are stored in the SVN repository asf/incubator/taverna/site.)

GitHub pull requests

The source for the Apache Taverna website is mirrored to the GitHub project incubator-taverna-site, where you can navigate to the source for the page you want to edit.

Anyone with a GitHub account can suggest an edit to an Apache Taverna page directly in the browser.

Note that GitHub's rendering of the Markdown is not 100% equivalent to the resulting Apache CMS HTML. In particular, the Title: and License: headers at the top of every .md file will not be rendered as shown on GitHub.

To submit your suggested change, raise a GitHub pull request. This will send an email on your behalf to the dev@taverna mailing list, where an Apache Taverna committer will review your change before making it live on the website. Please sign up to dev@taverna to watch for any follow-up comments about your changes.

Apache CMS

If you are an Apache Taverna committer, use the Apache CMS directly from https://cms.apache.org/taverna/ using your @apache.org account as login.

Committers can also drag the Edit in CMS bookmarklet to your browser toolbar or bookmark collection.

CMS usage for committers describes how to use the Apache CMS.

Non-Taverna Apache committers

If you are an existing Apache committer, but are not in the incubator group, your suggested edit will be sent as a patch to the dev@taverna mailing list. Subscribe to the mailing list to respond to any feedback.

Anonymous login

It is possible to login to the CMS without an Apache account, by using the username anonymous and an empty password.

This can be beneficial if you prefer not to use GitHub, or if you want to suggest larger changes that involve renames, etc.

In this case, your suggested edit will be sent as a patch to the dev@taverna mailing list. Please subscribe to the mailing list to receive and respond to any feedback.

How to use the CMS

Before editing an Apache Taverna web page, familiarize yourself with the CMS information flow.

IMPORTANT: [Update] the page or directory before you start editing. Otherwise, you may not be working on the current version.

For details, see the Apache CMS reference.

Opening the file. Open the file in the editor using the Edit in CMS bookmarklet:

Or use the Apache CMS:

Committing and publishing your changes.

Editing tips

Writing tips

Linking tips

Adding a new page