Taverna Issue Tracker

How to Use Taverna's Apache JIRA Issue Tracker

Anyone can add an issue by creating an account on Apache's JIRA issue tracker. An account is also required to comment on, vote on, or watch issues. (If you only want to search for issues, you do not need an account.)

Once you are on the issue tracker site, you have several options for viewing issues.

Adding an issue

After logging in to Jira, use the Create button at the top of the screen to add a new issue.

Jira will email the dev@taverna list using the issue key in the Subject, (e.g. TAVERNA-987); you may join the discussion there or correspond using Jira comments.

Report a security issue

If you want to report a security concern (e.g. a buffer exploit), then you should instead email our private list where the Apache Taverna PPMC members will consider the issue in confidence.

Example bug report

A great bug report includes: