API Consumer Tool

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API Consumer Tool

Current version of the tool is 1.1. You can get it from the old download pages. Please also refer to the API Consumer Tool section on the User Manual.

The API Consumer Tool allows the selection of subsets of Java APIs which may then be imported into Taverna Workbench and used as services in workflows. This tool is intended for API developers rather than end-users. It produces an XML API definition file which Taverna imports - this is file that you distribute alongside your API to ‘Taverna enable’ it.


The API Consumer Tool is a Java Doclet and uses Ant to launch; you must therefore have Java and Ant installed and available on the path. The Tool has been tested on Java 1.6; use other versions at your own risk.


Before running the API Consumer Tool you need to place source files of your API within the ‘target’ directory and any supporting libraries (i.e. dependencies) required in the ‘lib’ directory. This is particularly important - if your API includes methods which consume or return a type that is not available to the API Consumer Tool, the definitions it generates will be invalid. For example, if your API contains a method “void foo(MagicClass bar)” and the MagicClass is in some random package in a third party jar file that you have not included there is no way for the Doclet to know the fully qualified classname of MagicClass. As Taverna requires full classnames, this will result in an API that cannot be invoked from workflows. You can normally trap these issues by watching for the standard JavaDoc warning messages in the console.


Once your source and any supporting files are present as described above, from the API Consumer Tool directory you can either run the “runme.bat”/”runme.sh script or call Ant directly (just type ‘ant’ on the command line). The API Consumer Tool itself will be built from source and applied to the target source files of your API. After some slight delay for this process (longer for very complex APIs) you should see a screen such as the following:

API Consumer

The tree on the left hand side of the window shows the available classes (including inner classes where present) along with a search box - the right hand side currently shows nothing. Selecting a class from the tree produces a display like the following, this should be clearly similar to the information produced by the standard JavaDoc tool:

API Consumer

In the case of large APIs the search box can be used to display a subset of the complete class tree - enter a pattern to match and hit return in this text box and the tree will be expanded to show all matching nodes. To return to the view with all nodes expanded clear the text in this box and hit return.

Adding methods to the API definition

The next step is to select methods to add to the API definition - these methods (static, instance or constructors) will appear as services within Taverna Workbench's Service Panel when the definition file is imported.

Using graphical interface

Methods can be manually added by choosing the class, opening the “Methods” tab and either selecting individual methods or using the “Select all” and “Clear all” boxes:

API Consumer - methods

Using JavaDoc tags

For APIs under your direct control there is an alternative based on JavaDoc tags. By adding the tag “@taverna.consume” to either classes or individual methods you can automatically have these methods selected in the API consumer when it first scans the source files. In the case of the tag at a class or interface level all constructors and methods will be selected.

API level metadata

To aid use of your exported API you can select the “API Description” tab and use it to provide a name and description for the entire API subset:

API Consumer - description

Saving the API definition file

To save the API definition select the &“File” -> “Save as XML”. This should bring up a standard save dialogue, choose a filename and save. This is the file that is then imported into Taverna Workbench's Service Panel by selecting “Import new services” -> “API Consumer services…”.

Using API Consumer Services in Workflows

Please also refer to the API Consumer section of the User Manual.

In order to use the API Consumer services in Taverna workflows, you need the XML API Consumer definition (of the Java library) XML file generated from the API Consumer tool, the library to be used (compiled and packaged as a jarfile) and any dependencies of the library as well (i.e. their jar files).

To import the API Consumer definition file into Taverna, click on “Import new services” -> “API Consumer services…” in the Service Panel. Select the API Consumer XML definition file. A new branch should be added to the Service Panel, showing the class names and methods that have been selected for inclusion using the API Consumer Tool. API Consumer - service panel

In this lightweight example, our exposed API only has a constructor and a single method. Using the API Consumer you have to build up the calls to the API as part of your workflow, so as sayHello() is a method on the HelloWorld instance, we first have to call the constructor HelloWorld, and then call the method on the returned object. We will add both API Consumer services to the workflow. Each parameter of the method is exposed as an input port, and the return value is shown as an output port. In our example, our methods do not take any parameters except the implicit object reference this, which we will have to provide by connecting the object output of the constructor HelloWorld to the object input of the method sayHello.

API Consumer - workflow

As a convenience, methods also return the very same object in the output port object, so that methods that needs to be run in a particular sequence can be chained to pass their object reference, in effect preventing execution of the second method before the first method is returning its result and object reference.

Note that the Java objects can only be passed to other API Consumer services (and only if they are serializable); if you want any useful inputs and outputs to interact with your workflow you need to use basic types such as String. In our example, sayHello() returns a String that is connected to the workflow output called sayHello_Result

Static methods do not need the object reference, and hence do not need the constructor call, unless you need to pass an instantiated object as a normal argument.

Before you can run the workflow you also need to copy the jar file of the HelloWorld library and its dependencies in the lib directory of your TAVERNA_HOME directory. After copying the jar files, you need to specify which dependencies to use for every API Consumer service in a workflow. To do so, right-click on the service and select “Configure API Consumer…”. The default classloader sharing is “Shared for whole workflow”, so you only need to tick of the dependency jar files on one of services using the same API Consumer, for example the constructor.

If your API is using JNI, or one of its dependencies uses JNI, which is a native library with binding for Java, you need to take some special considerations, as explained in the section on JNI-based native libraries under Beanshell services in the User Manual. In particular, you need to select the System classloader sharing for all your services and modify the Taverna startup scripts.

A word of advice

Depending on the complexity of your API, building workflows in this way can turn out to be very a cumbersome way to do graphical Java programming in a workflow. In many cases, writing a Beanshell script using the same dependency mechanism can give you most of the benefits in a smaller amount of time. However, the API Consumer gives you one major advantage - the workflow designer do not need to know much about Java and they will see a browsable structure of your API in the Service Panel, just like the bundled services. The workflow designer does need to know how to use your API though, but if you have explicitly designed it to be easy to use from Taverna that barrier can be lowered significantly.

An API that is useful for many people could also be wrapped as a WSDL Web service, which would make it usable from any Taverna Workbench without requiring installation of your JAR and API Consumer XML definition files.