Web service developers

Taverna aims to support Web services that are WS-I (Web Services Interoperability) compliant, but this is a long-term goal and currently there are a few nuances. However, it should be possible to create Web services that are compatible with Taverna if you follow these guidelines.

WSDL (Web Service Description Language) style Web services

WSDL binding describes how the Web service is bound to a messaging protocol, particularly the SOAP messaging protocol. A WSDL SOAP binding can be either a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) style binding or a document style binding. A SOAP binding can also have an encoded use or a literal use. Combining these options would yield 4 binding styles, except the document/encoded combination is not WS-I compliant and is not used. However, there is an additional binding style commonly referred to as the document/literal wrapped style.

Thus, developers have 4 binding styles to choose from when creating a WSDL file.

  1. RPC/encoded
  2. RPC/literal
  3. Document/literal
  4. Document/literal wrapped

IBM developerWorks has a good description of the differences between these styles.

Although Taverna supports to a fair extent bindings that are RPC/encoded or RPC/literal, the preferred binding style is document/literal wrapped. Specifically, the WSDL should have “style” attributes that are set to “document,” "use” attributes set to “literal,” and the parameters should be inside a wrapper. This is particularly important when dealing with complex types. For primitive types, no problems are anticipated.

Currently untested features

The following are untested and, although not proven to fail, the behaviour is currently undefined. For this reason, it is advised to avoid these features.

Situations currently known to fail

The following are situations that are known to fail in Taverna.

Registering with the BioCatalogue Life Sciences Web Services registry is one of the best ways to raise awareness of your services and to make them easily discoverable from Taverna and the Web.

With BioCatalogue, service providers can easily register, describe, advertise and monitor their Web services. Users can quickly find the right Web service using BioCatalogue's powerful search and filtering. BioCatalogue provides combined information about services from both providers and community as it has on-going expert curation as well as social curation by the community.