Taverna features

The Taverna suite of tools are bringing together a range of features to make it easier for users to find, design and execute complex workflows and share them with other people.

Freely available

Suite of tools to design, edit and execute workflows

Wide range of services and extensible architecture


Versatile Workbench

Create your own or start from existing workflows

Find workflows created by others and share yours

Execute and debug your workflows

Track workflow runs and results


myExperiment integration


myExperiment is a social networking site and Virtual Research Environment (VRE) designed for people to share, discover and reuse workflows.

myExperiment enables scientists to contribute to a pool of workflows that can be reused and repurposed by other scientists, promoting building of communities, forming of relationships and collaboration. In this way, myExperiment helps reduce time-to-experiment, share expertise and avoid reinvention.

It is widely used, as demonstrated by their being 8820 members in 304 groups. Its actual take up shows that there are 2415 workflows, consisting of 604 files. The number of packs (research objects) currently in use stands at 229.

Find myExperiment workflows by others and share yours from Taverna

As of version 2.1, Taverna has a built-in support for myExperiment, enabling users to browse myExperiment Web site from inside the Taverna Workbench.

Users can access the full myExperiment search options for browsing workflows, load existing workflows from myExperiment or publish their workflows on myExperiment for use by others.

A snapshot of the myExperiment Perspective in Taverna can be seen in the image below.

myExperiment plugin for Taverna screenshot

BioCatalogue integration


BioCatalogue is a public, centralised, curated and monitored registry of Life Science Web services which can be used for building workflows. It is a community-oriented Web site where service providers or community experts can register and curate services and users can discover them.

BioCatalogue provides a single point where services can be annotated and curated by service providers or community experts – it helps service providers publicize and make their services more visible to the community and makes it easier for users to find them.

Web services can be volatile – they change over time and get outdated. BioCatalogue monitors services periodically and provides statistics on their availability and reliability. Discover and reuse services in BioCatalogue from Taverna

Taverna has a built-in support for searching service catalogues, such as the BioCatalogue. It enables users to browse a service catalogue and access its full search options for browsing services and checking their status and availability from inside the Workbench. Discovered services can then be added either directly to workflows or the Taverna Workbench’s Service Panel.

The service catalogue accessed by Taverna is configurable, so you can set it to a different instance of ‘BioCatalogue’, such as BiodiversityCatalogue.

A snapshot of the Service Catalogue Perspective in Taverna can be seen in the image below.

BioCatalogue plugin for Taverna screenshot