Apache Taverna namespaces

/ns/ hosts the Apache Taverna (incubating) XML namespaces and ontologies, including:

Unfortunately some namespaces within this space may not currently be available as XSDs or OWL files.

ns.taverna.org.uk and apache.org

The namespaces have traditionally been at http://ns.taverna.org.uk/ - since October 2014 Taverna has joined the Apache Software Foundation as an incubator project. The existing Taverna websites originally hosted by myGrid at University of Manchester is in the process of moving to be hosted at apache.org infrastructure.

http://ns.taverna.org.uk/* now redirects to http://taverna.incubator.apache.org/ns/*, hosted as part of the Apache Taverna website. When the taverna.org.uk DNS ownership is transferred to Apache, that redirect will be hosted by apache.org infrastructure.

As the new URIs includes the temporary .incubator, new namespaces should still be minted under http://ns.taverna.org.uk/2015/ (or later years).

To edit this content (e.g. to add a new namespace), use SVN and https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/taverna/site/trunk/content/ns/ and then publish with Apache CMS.

Generated identifiers

Apache Taverna generates identifiers starting with:

Note that these URIs are not meant to be clickable (HTTP resolvable) to retrieve the original definition or data. The reason for this is that Apache does not (and will not) store centrally any workflow run information, data values or workflow definitions. It is however still useful that each workflow definition, each workflow run and each produced data value can be uniquely identified, therefore we build these URIs using UUIDs that are generated within Apache Taverna.

See Data bundle and [SCUFL2 workflow bundle](/documentation/scufl2/taverna_bundle).

Guessed information

URIs within the /2010/workflowBundle/ and 2011/run namespaces currently give a 303 See Other redirects to a scufl2info guessing service that constructs a minimal Linked Data description of the resource based on information embedded in the URI. See scufl2-info for more information and source code.

For example. the URI below identifies the workflow run with a UUID 385c794c-ba11-4007-a5b5-502ba8d14263:


This URI identifies the "string1" input port within the processor "Concatenate_two_strings" in the "Hello_Anyone" within the workflow bundle with the UUID 01348671-5aaa-4cc2-84cc-477329b70b0d:


Contact us

Contact dev@taverna.incubator.apache.org if you are unable to locate the corresponding definitions for such a namespace, or have other questions about our namespaces, schemas and ontologies.