Installing Apache Wookie (Incubating)

Getting Wookie up and running on your machine is really easy. You'll find instructions below. Once you have it running locally we will probably want to take a look at the quickstart guide.

When you've completed the steps here you will have a copy of Wookie running on your machine. If you need further assistance send an e-mail to

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  • Install pre-requisites
  • Get the source
  • Compile
  • Run

Binary or Source?

At the time of writing there are no binary distributions of Wookie (although we are testing one right now).

So you must build from source. Don't worry though, it's easy, we've scripted most of it.

Pre-requisites for building from source

You will need a Java JDK (not JRE) to run Wookie since it is a Java application. Apache Subversion is our chosen version control system. Apache Ant is used to build, run and manage Wookie.

Pre-requisites on Linux...

If you are running Ubuntu Linux the commands you need to get the pre-requisites are:

  • sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
  • sudo apt-get install Subversion
  • sudo apt-get install Ant

Pre-requisites on Windows...

If you are running windows the commands you need to get the pre-requisites are:

Building and Running

  • Checkout Wookie from SVN at
  • Build and run using "ant run"
  • Visit http://localhost:8080/wookie
Using this method we will be building from the current development version of Wookie (called SVN head). We try to ensure that Wookie will always run from SVN head, but sometimes mistakes are made. If you prefer you could checkout from the last known stable version of Wookie or even use a binary download.

Building and running on Linux...

If you are running Ubuntu Linux the commands you need to grab the source and run Wookie are:

  • svn co ~/projects/wookie
  • ant run
  • http://localhost:8080/wookie

Building and running on Windows...

If you are running Windows the commands you need to grab the source and run Wookie are:

  • svn co ~/projects/wookie
  • ant run
  • http://localhost:8080/wookie

Next Steps

The next logical step is to explore the "Hello World" tutorial which will show you how to create a simple widget and deploy it to your running server.