Apache log4net� SDK Documentation - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0


NOTE: This method is now obsolete.

Use XmlConfigurator.Configure instead of DOMConfigurator.Configure

Automatically configures the ILoggerRepository using settings stored in the application's configuration file.

Overloads�Public�Shared�Sub�Configure( _
���ByVal repository�As�ILoggerRepository�_


The repository to configure.


DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator.

Each application has a configuration file. This has the same name as the application with '.config' appended. This file is XML and calling this function prompts the configurator to look in that file for a section called log4net that contains the configuration data.

See Also

DOMConfigurator Class | log4net.Config Namespace | DOMConfigurator.Configure Overload List