Apache log4net� SDK Documentation - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0


The properties of the LogLog class are listed below. For a complete list of LogLog class members, see the LogLog Members topic.

Public Static (Shared) Properties

InternalDebugging Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net internal logging is enabled or disabled.
IsDebugEnabled Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output.
IsErrorEnabled Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output.
IsWarnEnabled Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output.
QuietMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net should generate no output from internal logging, not even for errors.

Public Instance Properties

Exception The Exception related to the message.
Message The internal log message.
Prefix A string indicating the severity of the internal message.
Source The Type that generated the internal message.
TimeStamp The DateTime stamp of when the internal message was received.

See Also

LogLog Class | log4net.Util Namespace