AOO 3.4.1 (build 1372282) Release Notes

Translations: Chinese (simplified) | Hungarian | Italian | Spanish

General Remarks

The Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 is a maintenance release, intended to fix critical issues and improve the overall quality of the application.

General areas of improvement include: additional language support, bug fixes, performance improvements and Windows 8 compatibility enhancements. Further details on each of these areas are below.

For a more comprehensive overview of the changes from the 3.3.X releases and earlier; please see the Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 3.4.0

Additional Language Support

New translations available in Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 include:

Updated translations available in Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 include:

For a complete list of available languages and language packs see:

Platforms Supported

The following platforms continue to be available as official releases from Apache OpenOffice: Microsoft Windows, MacOS (Intel), Linux (32 bit), Linux (64 bit).

Additionally, a number of community members are working on ports for Solaris, FreeBSD, and OS/2 and live/portable versions. You can learn more from our Ports and Distributions page at: .

Bug Fixes

As of 2012/08/16, there were 69 verified issues that have been resolved.

This list can be found at:

You will need an OpenOffice Bugzilla login to view it.

(An OpenOffice Bugzilla login will enable you to search for any bugs that may interest you.)

Important bug fixes have been made in these areas:

The QA team has been tracking additional fixes as well. See their complete reports at:

Additionally, starting with version 3.4.1, Apache OpenOffice now has the benefit of static analysis provided by Coverity to detect software defects before the code is even released. Special thanks to Coverity for providing access to their award winning tool!

Performance Improvements/Enhancements

Microsoft Windows 8 Compatibility

With this release we have tested with Windows 8. So far it looks good. We are in the process of going through the official Windows 8 Certification checklist and some minor issues still remain. See the wiki document below.

Note: the improvements made in Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 to better support Windows 8 will also benefit Windows 7 users.

Known Issues

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