Proposal for a Preview Feature in Dialogs

Version 1

Date: March 8, 2001

Table of Contents


Modeless and Modal Dialogs

Live Mode Concept

Basic Functionality



Live Mode Behavior

Alternative: Preview Icon

Benefits to former Apply Proposal

Open Issues


This document is based on the first proposal for a new Apply button concept in StarOffice / Based on the feedback of the community, we decided to think this concept over. As a result a new idea came up, which is described in this document.

The initial idea of having an Apply button in dialogs was to improve the usability of the program, namely the dialog handling, with the goal to reduce the number of steps a user would have to complete a task. Therefore an Apply button seemed to be a good solution as it allows applying and changing settings without having to re-open a dialog several times.

The community's feedback to the proposal for the use of an Apply button in dialogs has shown some problems that would occur when introducing it in the application as suggested.

The disadvantage of the proposed button set was that

The community's feedback also made clear, that not an Apply (=Assign) button is desired but a Preview (=Try) feature. Whereas an Apply always assigns settings made in a dialog, a Preview is only for testing the settings without applying them ultimately.

Modeless and Modal Dialogs

The proposed Apply concept did not distinguish between modal and modeless dialog boxes, as the possibility of "testing" some settings with having the dialog opened should not depend on the dialog type. Therefore the Apply button - that is usually used in modeless dialog boxes - seemed to be a good solution for modal dialogs, too. But this does not correspond to the desired Preview feature:

In modeless dialog boxes an Apply button is necessary, that assigns settings to the actual selection. Changing the selection is possible here. Thus it must be possible to assign settings ultimately before changing the selection. Here Apply has the same functionality as an OK button, the only difference is, that the dialog box is not closed when pressing Apply. The sense of an Apply button is not for testing but for a better and faster workflow as the dialog remains open when switching the selection.

When introducing this Apply button to modal dialog boxes, the behavior of the Apply button must, of course, be the same. Thus the settings made in a dialog must be assigned to the document/object selection ultimately. But this is something, the user might not expect or what he does not want. Instead something like a Preview or Try button, that is only for testing the settings without applying them ultimately, should be offered. The final assignment should be done by clicking on an OK button. (Otherwise, if the settings are assigned ultimately via Apply, an Undo of the settings made could be too complicated for the user.)

Live Mode Concept

Trying to find a solution for all those issues that came up in the community's discussion, a new idea came up, which is described in the following.

Basic Functionality

Two different button sets should be used for modal/modeless dialogs, that only offer the basic functionality that is necessary

Beneath these buttons a Live mode icon is offered for both dialog types. If Live mode is active, all settings made in the dialog get directly visible in the document. But they are not applied ultimately unless the user clicks on OK (for modal) or Apply (for modeless dialogs). Switching back to Normal mode is possible by clicking on the Live mode icon again (=deactivation).

If the user changes something in the Normal/Live mode and then switches to Live/Normal mode, the information within the dialog should not be lost:

When switching from Normal mode to Live mode, the changes made before get directly visible in the document.

When switching from Live mode to Normal mode, the screen display of the document switches back to its former state, with those settings that were valid, before the dialog was opened. (But the settings made in the Live mode are not re-set in the dialog.)


The button set is reduced to a minimum, whereby modal and modeless dialogs must have different sets due to their nature.

The buttons behave as follows:


Undo is possible via menu (Edit – Undo). Thus for modal dialogs the user can use this command after the dialog has been closed via OK. Here Undo would return to the original state before the dialog was opened. For modeless dialogs he can even use Undo while the dialog is still open. Here an Undo step is valid for the settings applied via Apply button.

Live Mode Behavior

In the Live mode the user can change the settings of the dialog as usual. The only difference to the Normal mode is, that the changes get directly visible in the document.

Whenever the focus is removed from a control, the settings should get visible in the document as soon as possible. If the focus is not changed from one control to another and the user changes something within that single control, then the changes should get visible after a defined time. This delay time is necessary to avoid fast screen display changes due to hectic user actions. Whenever a change has been made and no user's action takes place in this time, then the settings get automatically visible in the document.

The delay time has to be verified, perhaps it should be about 2-3 seconds. The time might also be adjustable in a Tools/Options dialog.

Alternative: Preview Icon

Instead of a Live mode that shows dialog changes automatically, it is also possible to offer a Preview icon: When pressing it, all the changes made in the dialog get directly visible in the document (but they are not applied ultimately). The difference to the Live mode is, that the user must be active to see the changes.

With this alternative technical problems that might occur with the Live mode, such as time consuming data processing, are avoided.

Benefits to former Apply Proposal

Open Issues

Further Issues

Independent of this proposal of a Live mode or a Preview button, some issues are still open and are summarized for the future: