
interface XAnimation

Methods' Summary
render Render the animation content at time t into the specified canvas. Note that it is perfectly legal to e.g. map t in a nonlinear fashion to internal frames, for example to achieve acceleration or decceleration effects. It is required that the render method has const semantics, i.e. when called with the same parameter set, identical output must be generated. This is because e.g. a Sprite might decide arbitrarily to render an animation once and cache the result, or repaint it via XAnimation::render everytime.
getAnimationAttributes Request the attribute information for this animation
Methods' Details
[in] XCanvas
[in] ViewState
[in] double
t );

Render the animation content at time t into the specified canvas. Note that it is perfectly legal to e.g. map t in a nonlinear fashion to internal frames, for example to achieve acceleration or decceleration effects. It is required that the render method has const semantics, i.e. when called with the same parameter set, identical output must be generated. This is because e.g. a Sprite might decide arbitrarily to render an animation once and cache the result, or repaint it via XAnimation::render everytime.
Parameter t
Time instant for which animation content is requested. The range is always [0,1], where 0 denotes the very beginning, and 1 the end of the animation sequence.

Request the attribute information for this animation
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