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Proposal for OOoCon 2008

Key Question

In 400 words or less, answer this question: Why is your location and the date you propose the best for OOoCon 2008?

No information supplied

Mandatory Information

Location (country, city, conference center/university)

No information supplied

Proposed Date(s)

No information supplied

Team Lead (main contact person)

No information supplied

Team Members

No information supplied

Local events that are taking place in parallel (or right before/after)

No information supplied

Special visa or entry requirements, e.g. vaccinations

No information supplied

Optional Information

Large local deployments (for user keynotes and success stories)

No information supplied

Names of local developers (for developer sessions)

No information supplied

Names of local vendors/partners (potential sponsors)

No information supplied

Travel costs

No information supplied

Accomodation costs (youth hostel, hotel)

No information supplied

Supplementary Information

The Call for Location states: user feedback from previous conferences suggest that the ideal location will:

  • have a strong local community
  • attract strong sponsor support
  • have a low-cost/free conference centre with conference venues close together
  • have facilities where people can pass the time, socialise, and mingle with other conference delegates close to the conference building(s)
  • have a range of low-cost accomodation with easy/cheap transport to the conference location
  • attract the largest number of community contributers
  • facilitate the attendance of a large number of Sun's developers (who are in Hamburg, Germany)
  • be accessible by cheap flight and train tickets
  • be aligned with a large IT event (e.g. CeBIT, Systems, Comdex)
  • provide low-cost broadband Internet access (e.g. wireless LAN in the rooms)
  • allow for video and audio streaming (e.g. via the support of a company)




A copy of the proposal in ODF