:: drafts :: com :: sun :: star :: awt ::

service AccessibleTextField
Text fields are like edit fields as described by the AccessibleEdit service but with the ability to edit the text.
See also
See also
See also

Included Services
Central service of the Accessibility API that gives access to various facets of an object's content.
Exported Interfaces
Implement this interface to give read-only access to a text.
The ::drafts::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessibleComponent interface should be supported by any class that can be rendered on the screen.
The ::AccessibleExtendedComponent interface contains additional methods to those of the ::AccessibleComponent interface. These methods provide more seldom used information. The division into two interfaces allows classes to support the more frequently used methods of the ::AccessibleComponent interface and only support the ::AccessibleExtendedComponent interface if that makes sense for the class.

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