:: drafts :: com :: sun :: star :: table ::

service AccessibleCellView
The accessible view of a cell in a text document or in the page preview of a spreadsheet document. See ::com.sun.star.sheet.AccessibleCell for cells in the edit view of a spreadsheet.

Exported Interfaces
This interface gives access to the visible content of a cell in a accessible spreadsheet page preview or accessible text document view.
  • The parent returned by ::getAccessibleParent is the accessible table view.
  • The children returned by ::getAccessibleChild all support the interface XAccessible. Calling ::getAccessibleContext for these children returns an object that supports the service ::com.sun.star.text.AccessibleParagraphView : A child of this kind is returned for every paragraph fragment that is contained in the cell and is at least partially visible. A paragraph fragment is the part of a paragraph that is displayed on a certain page.
  • The name is something like A10 or B23 or so on.
  • The description is the name or the content of the given note.
  • The role is ::TABLE_CELL
  • For spreadsheets, there are relations between the cell and the shapes with an anchor on this cell.
  • The following states are supported:
    • ::DEFUNC is always false if the cell is showed, otherwise it is true.
    • ::EDITABLE is false if the cell is showed in a page preview or the cell or the table is protected, otherwise it is true.
    • ::ENABLED is always true.
    • ::MULTILINE is always true in spreadsheets and false otherwise.
    • ::OPAQUE is false if the cell has no background color or graphic, otherwise it is true.
    • ::SELECTABLE is true if the cell is not showed in a page preview, otherwise is it false.
    • ::SELECTED is true, if the cell is selected. This is not possible in the page preview.
    • ::SHOWING Is true if the Bounding Box lies in the Bounding Box of the parent. Otherwise it is false.
    • ::TRANSIENT Is true if the cell is showed in a spreadsheet page preview. Otherwise it is false.
    • ::VISIBLE Is always true.
This interface gives access to the visibility of the cell.
This interface gives access to the value of the cell. Only a readonly access is possible.
This interface is for selecting the text, value or parts of this in the cell. This interface is optional.
This is the interface for listeners

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