:: drafts :: com :: sun :: star :: text ::

service AccessibleFootnoteView
The accessible view of footnotes.

Exported Interfaces
This interface gives access to any paragraph fragment and table fragment that is contained in a footnote and is at least partially visible on the screen.
  • The parent returned by ::getAccessibleParent is either the accessible view of a text document, a page of the accessible page preview of a text document, or the accessible page preview of a spreadsheet document.
  • The children returned by ::getAccessibleChild all support the interface XAccessible. Calling ::getAccessibleContext for these children returns an object that supports one of the following services.
    • ::com.sun.star.text.AccessibleParagraphView : A child of this kind is returned for every paragraph fragment that is contained in the document body and is at least partially visible. A paragraph fragment is the part of a paragraph that is displayed on a certain page.
    • ::com.sun.star.table.AccessibleTableView : A child of this kind is returned for every table fragment that is contained in the document body and is at least partially visible. A table fragment is the part of a table that is displayed on a certain page.

    The logical order of paragraph and table fragments is never changed.

  • The role is ::FOOTNOTE
  • The name is "footnote" (or the equivalent term in application's language) with a number appended.
  • The description is footnote" (or the equivalent term in application's language) with the footnote number or character appended in the format that is specified in the footnote settings.
  • There are no relations. TODO: One might specify a relation to the footnote anchor's paragraph.
  • The following states might be contained in the state set returned by ::getAccessibleStateSet :
    • ::DEFUNC (indicates that the document window has been closed or the footnote is not existing any longer)
    • ::EDITABLE
    • ::ENABLED (always contained)
    • ::OPAQUE
    • ::SHOWING
    • ::VISIBLE
  • Depending of the application's region setting, the locale is the western, asian or complex default language of the document.
This interface describes the graphical representation of a footnote.
This is the interface for listeners

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