:: drafts :: com :: sun :: star :: text ::

service AccessibleTextGraphicObject
The accessible view of graphics.

Exported Interfaces
This interface comprises the basic accessibility of text graphics.
  • The parent returned by ::getAccessibleParent is the accessible view of a paragraph if the graphic is bound as character, and the accessible view of the document (or of a page in the page preview) in any other case.
  • There are no chidren returned by ::getAccessibleChild .
  • The role is ::GRAPHIC
  • The name is the one assigned to the graphic in the text document. This means that it is not internationalized.
  • The description is the one assigned to the graphic in the text document. This means that it is not internationalized. If no description has been set, the description equals the name.
  • There are no relations.
  • The following states might be contained in the state set returned by ::getAccessibleStateSet :
    • ::DEFUNC (indicates that the document window has been closed or the graphic is not existing any longer)
    • ::EDITABLE
    • ::ENABLED (always contained)
    • ::OPAQUE
    • ::SELECTED
    • ::FOCUSED
    • ::SHOWING
    • ::VISIBLE
  • The locale is the one the text document itself.
This interface describes the graphical representation of a graphic.
This interface gives access to the image size and its description.
This is the interface for listeners

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