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Blob< Dtype > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Blob< Dtype >, including all inherited members.

asum_data() const Blob< Dtype >
Blob() (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >inline
Blob(const vector< int > &shape) (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >
capacity_ (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >protected
CopyFrom(const Blob< Dtype > &source, bool reshape=false)Blob< Dtype >
count() const (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >inline
count_ (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >protected
cpu_data() const (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >
data() const (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >inline
data_ (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >
gpu_data() const (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >
mutable_cpu_data() (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >
mutable_gpu_data() (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >
Reshape(const vector< int > &shape)Blob< Dtype >
ReshapeLike(const Blob &other) (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >
set_cpu_data(Dtype *data) (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >
set_version(int v) (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >inline
shape() const (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >inline
shape_ (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >protected
ShareData(const Blob &other)Blob< Dtype >
sum_data() const (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >
Swap(Blob &other) (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >
ToProto(singa::BlobProto *proto) const (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >
version() const (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >inline
version_ (defined in Blob< Dtype >)Blob< Dtype >protected