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tensor_expr_engine-inl.hpp File Reference

definitions of how expressions should be evaluated More...

#include "tensor_expr.h"
#include "tensor.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  mshadow::expr::MakeTensorExp< SubType, SrcExp, dim >
 a general class that allows extension that makes tensors of some shape More...
class  mshadow::expr::Plan< ExpType >
 This part of code gives plan that can be used to carry out execution. More...
class  mshadow::expr::Plan< Tensor< Device, dim > >
class  mshadow::expr::Plan< Tensor< Device, 1 > >
class  mshadow::expr::Plan< ScalarExp >
class  mshadow::expr::Plan< BinaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, etype > >
class  mshadow::expr::Plan< UnaryMapExp< OP, TA, etype > >
struct  mshadow::expr::Plan< MakeTensorExp< SubType, SrcExp, dim > >
struct  mshadow::expr::ExpInfo< E >
 static type inference template, used to get the dimension of each expression, if ExpInfo<E>::kDim == -1, this means here are mismatch in expression if ( ExpInfo<E>::kDevMask & cpu::kDevMask ) != 0, this means this expression can be assigned to cpu More...
struct  mshadow::expr::ExpInfo< ScalarExp >
struct  mshadow::expr::ExpInfo< Tensor< Device, dim > >
struct  mshadow::expr::ExpInfo< MakeTensorExp< T, SrcExp, dim > >
struct  mshadow::expr::ExpInfo< UnaryMapExp< OP, TA, etype > >
struct  mshadow::expr::ExpInfo< BinaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, etype > >
struct  mshadow::expr::TypeCheck< Device, dim, E >
 template to do type check More...
struct  mshadow::expr::TypeCheckPass< kPass >
struct  mshadow::expr::TypeCheckPass< false >
struct  mshadow::expr::TypeCheckPass< true >
struct  mshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, E >
struct  mshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, ScalarExp >
struct  mshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, Tensor< Device, dim > >
struct  mshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, MakeTensorExp< T, SrcExp, dim > >
struct  mshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, UnaryMapExp< OP, TA, etype > >
struct  mshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, BinaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, etype > >
struct  mshadow::expr::DotEngine< SV, Device, ddim, ldim, rdim, ltrans, rtrans >
struct  mshadow::expr::BLASEngine< Device >
struct  mshadow::expr::BLASEngine< cpu >
struct  mshadow::expr::BLASEngine< gpu >
struct  mshadow::expr::DotEngine< SV, xpu, 2, 2, 2, transpose_left, transpose_right >
struct  mshadow::expr::DotEngine< SV, xpu, 1, 1, 2, false, transpose_right >
struct  mshadow::expr::DotEngine< SV, xpu, 2, 1, 1, true, false >
struct  mshadow::expr::ExpComplexEngine< SV, Device, dim, E >
 some engine that evaluate complex expression More...
struct  mshadow::expr::ExpEngine< SV, Tensor< Device, dim > >
struct  mshadow::expr::ExpComplexEngine< SV, Device, dim, DotExp< Tensor< Device, ldim >, Tensor< Device, rdim >, ltrans, rtrans > >


 namespace for mshadow
 namespace for abstract expressions and expressions template, have no dependecy on tensor.h, These data structure takes no charge in computations, they are only used to define operations and represent expression in a symbolic way


template<typename OP , typename TA , typename TB , int etype>
Plan< BinaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB,
etype > > 
mshadow::expr::MakePlan (const BinaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, etype > &e)
Plan< ScalarExp > mshadow::expr::MakePlan (const ScalarExp &e)
template<typename T >
Plan< T > mshadow::expr::MakePlan (const ContainerExp< T > &e)
template<typename T , typename SrcExp , int dim>
Plan< T > mshadow::expr::MakePlan (const MakeTensorExp< T, SrcExp, dim > &e)
template<typename OP , typename TA , int etype>
Plan< UnaryMapExp< OP, TA,
etype > > 
mshadow::expr::MakePlan (const UnaryMapExp< OP, TA, etype > &e)

Detailed Description

definitions of how expressions should be evaluated

Tianqi Chen, Bing Xu