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Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
streams-persist-console Console Module
streams-persist-elasticsearch Elasticsearch Module
streams-persist-filebuffer Contributed modules for communicating with services using non-Streams protocols and/or non-Activity data formats.
streams-persist-hbase HBase Module
streams-persist-hdfs HDFS Module
streams-persist-graph Contributed modules for communicating with services using non-Streams protocols and/or non-Activity data formats.
streams-persist-kafka Kafka Module
streams-persist-mongo Mongo Module
streams-amazon-aws Amazon AWS Modules
streams-processor-jackson Jackson Utility Processors
streams-processor-json JsonPath Utility Processors
streams-processor-urls URL Utility Processors
streams-processor-peoplepattern PeoplePattern API Processors
streams-provider-facebook Facebook Provider
streams-provider-google Google Providers
streams-provider-instagram Instagram Provider
streams-provider-moreover Moreover Provider
streams-provider-twitter Contributed modules for communicating with services using non-Streams protocols and/or non-Activity data formats.
streams-provider-sysomos Sysomos Provider
streams-provider-rss RSS Provider
streams-processor-regex Regex Utility Processors
streams-provider-youtube Contributed modules for communicating with services using non-Streams protocols and/or non-Activity data formats.