Annotation Type RestInfo

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String[] consumes
      Defines the request body media types supported by the annotated REST event handler method.
      String[] produces
      Defines the media types of the responses provided by the annotated REST event handler method in successful requests.
      Class<?> returnType
      Defines the return type of this REST event handler method in successful requests.
    • Element Detail

      • consumes

        String[] consumes
        Defines the request body media types supported by the annotated REST event handler method.
      • produces

        String[] produces
        Defines the media types of the responses provided by the annotated REST event handler method in successful requests.
      • returnType

        Class<?> returnType
        Defines the return type of this REST event handler method in successful requests. This is particularly useful for methods that have Object return type because they may return non-response objects for error reasons, such as HttpError.