Interface ComponentEvent

    • Method Detail

      • matches

        boolean matches​(String eventType,
                        String componentId,
                        int parameterCount)
        Returns true if the event matches the provided criteria and the event has not yet been aborted.
        eventType - the type of event (case insensitive match)
        componentId - component is to match against (case insensitive), or the empty string
        parameterCount - minimum number of context values
        true if the event matches (and has not yet been aborted)
      • matches

        default boolean matches​(String eventType,
                                String componentId,
                                int parameterCount,
                                String[] staticActivationContextValues)
        Returns true if the event matches the provided criteria and the event has not yet been aborted.
        eventType - the type of event (case insensitive match)
        componentId - component is to match against (case insensitive), or the empty string
        parameterCount - minimum number of context values
        staticActivationContextValues - a String array. If null, there are no static activation context values. If any value in the array is null, it's considered dynamic and ignored. I any value in the arra isn't null, it's compared to the corresponding activation context value. If it doesn't match, this method will return null.
        true if the event matches (and has not yet been aborted)
      • coerceContext

        Object coerceContext​(int index,
                             String desiredTypeName)
        Coerces a context value to a particular type. The context is an array of objects; typically it is an array of strings of extra path information encoded into the action URL.
        index - the index of the context value
        desiredTypeName - the desired type
        the coerced value (a wrapper type if the desired type is a primitive)