8.9. Misc

This screen covers miscellaneous settings. Here you can set various general properties. Click the name of the group to expand and collapse the display.


Table 3.22. Misc Settings:Users/Groups

Name Notes

Proxy group for Hive, WebHCat, and Oozie

The name of the proxy group: for example users

HDFS User The user to run HDFS: for example hdfs

MapReduce User

The user to run MapReduce: for example mapred

HBase User The user to run HBase : for example hbase
Hive User The user to run Hive: for example hive
HCat User The user to run HCatalog: for example, hcat
WebHCat User The user to run WebHCat: for example, hcat
Oozie User The user to run Oozie : for example oozie
ZooKeeper User The user to run ZooKeeper: for example zookeeper
Group The group that the users specified above belong to: for example hadoop

When you have made all your changes, click Next.