- Documentation (2.3.0-rc1)
- Release Notes
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- Introduction
- Settings Files
- Ivy Files
- Ant Tasks
- Using standalone
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- Developer doc
Constructs an ant path consisting of artifacts in ivy cache (or origin location with depending on useOrigin setting) for a resolved module configuration.
This is a post resolve task, with all the behaviour and attributes common to all post resolve tasks.
If you want to make your build more independent from Ivy, you could consider using the retrieve task. Once the artifacts are properly retrieved, you can use standard Ant path creation which makes Ivy not necessary any more.
Built path is registered in ant with a given id, and can thus be used like any other ant path using refid.
Attribute | Description | Required |
pathid | the id to reference the built path | Yes |
conf | a comma separated list of the configurations to put in the created path | No. Defaults to the configurations resolved by the last resolve call, or * if no resolve was explicitly called |
type | comma separated list of artifact types to accept in the path, * for all (since 1.2) | No. Defaults to * |
settingsRef | (since 2.0) A reference to the ivy settings that must be used by this task | No, 'ivy.instance' is taken by default. |
<cachepath pathid="default.classpath" conf="default" />Construct an ant path composed of all artifacts being part of the default configuration obtained through the last resolve call.
<cachepath pathid="default.classpath" conf="default" useOrigin="true" />Same as before but will use the original location for local artifacts, and the cache location for other artifacts.
<ivy:cachepath organisation="emma" module="emma" revision="2.0.4217" inline="true" conf="ant" pathid="emma.classpath"/>Resolves the emma module in version 2.0.4217, constructs an ant path with the corresponding artifacts, and then define the emma tasks using this path.
<taskdef resource="emma_ant.properties" classpathref="emma.classpath" />