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since 2.0 The makepom task allows to convert an ivy file to a pom file.
An example of use is to publish an Ivy managed module to a maven 2 repository.
Note that all Ivy features are not supported by maven poms, so the converted pom may not resolve to the exact same dependencies as the original ivy file.
since 2.2 It is possible to specify a template file defining the structure of the generated POM. The following processing is done on this template:
- properties like ${property.name} are replaced if they are defined in Ant or by the ivy:makepom task (see below for the standard properties)
- lines containg the string SKIP_LINE are skipped.
- the defined dependencies will be added to the first
element encountered in the pom template. If the template doesn't contain a element, it is generated a the end of the pom.
- ivy.pom.groupId: defaults to the organisation as defined in the ivy.xml file
- ivy.pom.artifactId: defaults to the value of the 'atifactName' attribute of this task, or the name of the module as defined in the ivy.xml file
- ivy.pom.packaging: defaults to the value of the 'artifactPackaging' attribute of this task, or the extenstion of the artifact
- ivy.pom.version: defaults to the revision as defined in the ivy.xml file
- ivy.pom.name: defaults to 'SKIP_LINE'
- ivy.pom.description: defaults to the value of the 'description' attribute of this task, or 'SKIP_LINE' when not specified
- ivy.pom.url: defaults to the homepage as defined in the ivy.xml file
- ivy.pom.license: the content of the specified headerFile, or 'SKIP_LINE' if not specified
- ivy.pom.header: some Ivy information, or 'SKIP_LINE' if the 'printIvyInfo' attribute is set to false.
The default template that ships with Ivy looks like this:
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
Attribute | Description | Required |
ivyfile | the source ivy file to convert | Yes |
pomfile | the destination pom file to write | Yes |
templatefile | the template file to use when generating the pom (since 2.2) | No, defaults to the internal template file. |
artifactName | The name of the artifact which is represented by the generated pom file. (since 2.2) | No, defaults to the module name in the source ivy file. |
artifactPackaging | The packaging of the artifact which is represented by the generated pom file. (since 2.2) | No, the artifact type is taken by default. Defaults to 'pom' if no such artifact is defined. |
conf | a comma separated list of the configurations to include in the generated pom. Wildcards are supported here. (since 2.2) | No, defaults to all configurations. |
settingsRef | A reference to the ivy settings that must be used by this task | No, 'ivy.instance' is taken by default. |
printIvyInfo | Add some information about Ivy to the generated POM. (since 2.2) | No, defaults to 'true'. |
headerFile | the header of the generated pom file | No |
description | The description that will be added to the generated pom. (since 2.2) | No, defaults to no description. |
Child elements
Element | Description | Cardinality |
mapping | describes the mapping from an Ivy module configuration to a Maven POM scope. These elements takes two attributes:
0..n |
dependency | describes extra dependencies that should be added to the generated Maven POM file. These elements takes the following attributes:
0..n |
<ivy:makepom ivyfile="${basedir}/path/to/ivy.xml" pomfile="${basedir}/path/to/module.pom" conf="default,runtime">Converts ${basedir}/path/to/ivy.xml to a pom and writes the result to ${basedir}/path/to/module.pom. The configuration 'default' in the parsed ivy file will be mapped to the scope 'compile', the configuration 'runtime' will be mapped to 'runtime', and other configurations will be excluded.
<mapping conf="default" scope="compile"/>
<mapping conf="runtime" scope="runtime"/>
<dependency group="com.acme" artifact="acme-logging" version="1.0" optional="true"/>
The com.acme.acme-logging artifact with version 1.0 will be added as an optional dependency.