Interface ExtractorFactory<T extends Extractor<?>>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the Extractor to be created by this factory.
All Superinterfaces:
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public interface ExtractorFactory<T extends Extractor<?>>
extends ExtractorDescription

Interface defining a factory for Extractor.

Method Summary
 T createExtractor()
          Creates an extractor instance.
 String getExampleInput()
          An example input file for the extractor, to be used in auto-generated documentation.
 Class<T> getExtractorType()
          Returns the extractor type.
 Collection<MIMEType> getSupportedMIMETypes()
          Supports wildcards, e.g.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.any23.extractor.ExtractorDescription
getExtractorName, getPrefixes

Method Detail


Class<T> getExtractorType()
Returns the extractor type.

the not null extractor class.


T createExtractor()
Creates an extractor instance.

an instance of the extractor associated to this factory.


Collection<MIMEType> getSupportedMIMETypes()
Supports wildcards, e.g. "*/*" for blind extractors that merely call a web service.


String getExampleInput()
An example input file for the extractor, to be used in auto-generated documentation. For the Extractor.BlindExtractor, this is an arbitrary URI. For extractors that require content, it is the name of a file, relative to the factory's class file's location, it will be opened using factory.getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename). The example should be a short file that produces characteristic output if sent through the extractor. The file will be read as UTF-8, so it should either use that encoding or avoid characters outside of the US-ASCII range.

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