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Double Barrier


An implementation of the Distributed Double Barrier ZK recipe.

Double barriers enable clients to synchronize the beginning and the end of a computation. When enough processes have joined the barrier, processes start their computation and leave the barrier once they have finished.

Participating Classes

  • DistributedDoubleBarrier


Creating a DistributedBarrier

public DistributedDoubleBarrier(CuratorFramework client,
                                String barrierPath,
                                int memberQty)
Creates the barrier abstraction. memberQty is the number of members in the barrier. When enter() is called, it blocks until
all members have entered. When leave() is called, it blocks until all members have left.

client - the client
barrierPath - path to use
memberQty - the number of members in the barrier

General Usage

To enter on the barrier:

public void     enter();

To leave on the barrier:

public void     leave();

Error Handling

DistributedDoubleBarrier instances watch for connection loss and will throw an exception from enter() and/or leave().