Apache Forrest > Plugins
Plugin: org.apache.forrest.plugin.input.odt
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Welcome to the org.apache.forrest.plugin.input.odt Plugin

Apache Forrest - org.apache.forrest.plugin.input.odt Plugin

Reads opendocuments and transforms them to xhtml/xdocs


This section includes links to a number of samples using this plugin. The plugin is intended to be self documenting through these samples. If you require further help please ask on the user mailing list.

  • Fixme (rdg)
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  • Fixme (rdg)
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The more samples included here the easier it is for users to understand this plugin. If you can provide additional samples please do so.

Document Title

The displayed title is taken from the meta-data of the opendocument.

  • If you set the Title field in the document File -> Properties (General Tab) Then this will be used
  • Otherwise the first header - that is the title of the first section - will be used
  • Otherwise - at last - the document filename will be used.