Interface HttpCacheInvalidator

public interface HttpCacheInvalidator

Given a particular HttpRequest, flush any cache entries that this request would invalidate.


Method Summary
 void flushInvalidatedCacheEntries(org.apache.http.HttpHost host, org.apache.http.HttpRequest req)
          Remove cache entries from the cache that are no longer fresh or have been invalidated in some way.
 void flushInvalidatedCacheEntries(org.apache.http.HttpHost host, org.apache.http.HttpRequest request, org.apache.http.HttpResponse response)
          Flushes entries that were invalidated by the given response received for the given host/request pair.

Method Detail


void flushInvalidatedCacheEntries(org.apache.http.HttpHost host,
                                  org.apache.http.HttpRequest req)
Remove cache entries from the cache that are no longer fresh or have been invalidated in some way.

host - The backend host we are talking to
req - The HttpRequest to that host


void flushInvalidatedCacheEntries(org.apache.http.HttpHost host,
                                  org.apache.http.HttpRequest request,
                                  org.apache.http.HttpResponse response)
Flushes entries that were invalidated by the given response received for the given host/request pair.

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