Uses of Class

Packages that use RouteInfo.TunnelType
org.apache.http.conn.routing Client connection routing APIs. 

Uses of RouteInfo.TunnelType in org.apache.http.conn.routing

Methods in org.apache.http.conn.routing that return RouteInfo.TunnelType
 RouteInfo.TunnelType RouteInfo.getTunnelType()
          Obtains the tunnel type of this route.
 RouteInfo.TunnelType HttpRoute.getTunnelType()
 RouteInfo.TunnelType RouteTracker.getTunnelType()
static RouteInfo.TunnelType RouteInfo.TunnelType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static RouteInfo.TunnelType[] RouteInfo.TunnelType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Constructors in org.apache.http.conn.routing with parameters of type RouteInfo.TunnelType
HttpRoute(org.apache.http.HttpHost target, InetAddress local, org.apache.http.HttpHost[] proxies, boolean secure, RouteInfo.TunnelType tunnelled, RouteInfo.LayerType layered)
          Creates a new route with all attributes specified explicitly.
HttpRoute(org.apache.http.HttpHost target, InetAddress local, org.apache.http.HttpHost proxy, boolean secure, RouteInfo.TunnelType tunnelled, RouteInfo.LayerType layered)
          Creates a new route with at most one proxy.

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