Uses of Interface

Packages that use SSLSetupHandler
org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor Default implementation of event driven network communication APIs based on Java NIO. 

Uses of SSLSetupHandler in org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor

Constructors in org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor with parameters of type SSLSetupHandler
SSLIOSession(IOSession session, SSLContext sslContext, SSLSetupHandler handler)

Uses of SSLSetupHandler in org.apache.http.impl.nio.ssl

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.nio.ssl with parameters of type SSLSetupHandler
protected  SSLIOSession SSLServerIOEventDispatch.createSSLIOSession(IOSession session, SSLContext sslContext, SSLSetupHandler sslHandler)
          Deprecated. Creates an instance of SSLIOSession decorating the given IOSession.
protected  SSLIOSession SSLClientIOEventDispatch.createSSLIOSession(IOSession session, SSLContext sslContext, SSLSetupHandler sslHandler)
          Deprecated. Creates an instance of SSLIOSession decorating the given IOSession.

Constructors in org.apache.http.impl.nio.ssl with parameters of type SSLSetupHandler
SSLClientIOEventDispatch(NHttpClientHandler handler, SSLContext sslContext, SSLSetupHandler sslHandler, HttpParams params)
          Deprecated. Creates a new instance of this class to be used for dispatching I/O event notifications to the given protocol handler using the given SSLContext.
SSLServerIOEventDispatch(NHttpServiceHandler handler, SSLContext sslContext, SSLSetupHandler sslHandler, HttpParams params)
          Deprecated. Creates a new instance of this class to be used for dispatching I/O event notifications to the given protocol handler using the given SSLContext.

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