Hive driver configuration

The configuration parameters and their default values
No. Property Name Default Value Description
1 10 Socket timeout for the client connection
2 hive.server.tcp.keepalive true TCP Keep alive socket option for HiveServer connection
3 The host on which hive server is running
4 hive.server2.thrift.client.connect.retry.limit 1 Number of times to retry a connection to a Thrift hive server
5 hive.server2.thrift.client.retry.delay.seconds 1 Number of seconds the client should wait between connection attempts.
6 hive.server2.thrift.client.retry.limit 1 Number of times to retry a Thrift service call upon failure
7 hive.server2.thrift.port 10000 The port on which hive server is running
8 lens.cube.query.driver.supported.storages List of comma separated storage names that supported by a driver. If no value is specified, all storages are valid
9 false Tells whether multiple tables are allowed in from clause of final HQL query
10 lens.cube.query.replace.timedim true Tells whether timedim attribute queried in the time range should be replaced with its corresponding partition column name.
11 lens.driver.hive.calculate.priority true Whether priority should be calculated for hive mr jobs or not
12 lens.driver.hive.connection.class org.apache.lens.driver.hive.EmbeddedThriftConnection The connection class from HiveDriver to HiveServer. The default is an embedded connection which does not require a remote hive server. For connecting to a hiveserver end point, remote connection should be used. The possible values are org.apache.lens.driver.hive.EmbeddedThriftConnection and org.apache.lens.driver.hive.RemoteThriftConnection.
13 lens.driver.hive.hs2.connection.expiry.delay 600000 The idle time (in milliseconds) for expiring connection from hivedriver to HiveServer2
14 lens.driver.hive.priority.partition.weight.daily 0.75 Weight of monthly partition in cost calculation
15 lens.driver.hive.priority.partition.weight.hourly 1.0 Weight of monthly partition in cost calculation
16 lens.driver.hive.priority.partition.weight.monthly 0.5 Weight of monthly partition in cost calculation