Package org.apache.lens.api.metastore

Class Summary
Column Java class for column complex type.
Columns Java class for columns complex type.
DimensionTable Java class for dimension_table complex type.
FactTable Java class for fact_table complex type.
FlattenedColumns Java class for anonymous complex type.
NativeTable Java class for native_table complex type.
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.apache.lens.api.metastore package.
PartitionList Java class for partition_list complex type.
UpdatePeriodElement Storage name to all its update periods
UpdatePeriods Java class for update_periods complex type.
XChaincolumn Java class for x_chaincolumn complex type.
XCube XCube can be a base cube for which user would give the full specification of the measures and dimensions.
XDimAttribute A cube dimension attribute.
XDimAttributes Set of dimensions.
XDimAttrNames Set of dimension names.
XDimension XDimension consists the set dimension attributes
XExprColumn An expression column
XExpressions Set of x_exprcolumn.
XJoinchain Java class for x_joinchain complex type.
XJoinchains Set of join chains.
XMeasure A cube measure.
XMeasureNames Set of measure names.
XMeasures Set of measures.
XPartition Partition details
XPartSpec Java class for x_part_spec complex type.
XPartSpecElement Java class for x_part_spec_element complex type.
XProperties A list of property elements.
XProperty A key-value pair, which are propagated to the cube.
XSkewedInfo Java class for x_skewed_info complex type.
XSkewedValueLocation Java class for x_skewed_value_location complex type.
XStorage Java class for x_storage complex type.
XStorageTableDesc Java class for x_storage_table_desc complex type.
XStorageTableElement Storage and storage table description
XStorageTables A list of property elements.
XStringList Java class for x_string_list complex type.
XTablereference Java class for x_tablereference complex type.
XTablereferences Java class for x_tablereferences complex type.
XTimePartSpec Java class for x_time_part_spec complex type.
XTimePartSpecElement Java class for x_time_part_spec_element complex type.

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