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1   // =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
2   // Generated by Modello 2.1.2,
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4   // ==============================================================
6   package org.apache.maven.buildcache.xml.config;
8   /**
9    * A <p>file or a directory path to add to checksum computation.
10   * Relative path are relative to each module basedir.</p>
11   *            <p>Include elements can also be added per project
12   * with the use of <a
13   * href="parameters.html#project-level-properties">maven
14   * properties.</a></p>
15   *            
16   * 
17   * @version $Revision$ $Date$
18   */
19  @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
20  public class Include
21      implements
22  {
24        //--------------------------/
25       //- Class/Member Variables -/
26      //--------------------------/
28      /**
29       * Path to add to the checksum computation.
30       */
31      private String value;
33      /**
34       * Will search in sub-folders if set to true.
35       */
36      private boolean recursive = true;
38      /**
39       * Files in a directory are filtered by matching their names
40       * against this glob.
41       */
42      private String glob;
45        //-----------/
46       //- Methods -/
47      //-----------/
49      /**
50       * Get files in a directory are filtered by matching their
51       * names against this glob.
52       * 
53       * @return String
54       */
55      public String getGlob()
56      {
57          return this.glob;
58      } //-- String getGlob()
60      /**
61       * Get path to add to the checksum computation.
62       * 
63       * @return String
64       */
65      public String getValue()
66      {
67          return this.value;
68      } //-- String getValue()
70      /**
71       * Get will search in sub-folders if set to true.
72       * 
73       * @return boolean
74       */
75      public boolean isRecursive()
76      {
77          return this.recursive;
78      } //-- boolean isRecursive()
80      /**
81       * Set files in a directory are filtered by matching their
82       * names against this glob.
83       * 
84       * @param glob a glob object.
85       */
86      public void setGlob( String glob )
87      {
88          this.glob = glob;
89      } //-- void setGlob( String )
91      /**
92       * Set will search in sub-folders if set to true.
93       * 
94       * @param recursive a recursive object.
95       */
96      public void setRecursive( boolean recursive )
97      {
98          this.recursive = recursive;
99      } //-- void setRecursive( boolean )
101     /**
102      * Set path to add to the checksum computation.
103      * 
104      * @param value a value object.
105      */
106     public void setValue( String value )
107     {
108         this.value = value;
109     } //-- void setValue( String )
111 }