Apache Software Foundation Parent POM

This project consists of a POM that contains settings that are likely to be useful to any Apache project that is building and releasing code with Maven 3 (Maven 2.x is not supported any more since version 17). By using this project as a parent, a project gets these settings.

Most project will want to override some of these settings.

The following is a list of the items configured in this POM:

  • Top-level project properties:
  • pluginManagement: The plugin management section specifies versions of a list of plugins. See the Plugin Management report for the complete list with versions.
    • The compiler plugin is set to default to Java 1.7 and UTF-8 source.
    • the jar plugin is set to add default specification and implementation entries.
    • the resources plugin is set for UTF-8.
    • the release plugin: the release plugin is set, via the <arguments> configuration element, to enable the apache-release profile for all executions and to disable <useReleaseProfiles>. You can remove this with an empty <arguments/> element in the configuration of the release plugin.
  • plugins: The plugins section configures two executions:

The apache-release Profile

As noted above, this pom configures the release plugin to enable the apache-release profile for all executions of the release plugin.

The profile includes the following plugins:

  • maven-assembly-plugin: org.apache.apache.resources:apache-source-release-assembly-descriptor:1.0.6 is in the dependencies, and an execution is configured. The plugin is configured to take a descriptorRef name from the sourceReleaseAssemblyDescriptor property, which by default is set to source-release (zip only): you can override the property with source-release-zip-tar (both zip and tar) or source-release-tar (tar only) values.
  • maven-deploy-plugin: configured to activate updateReleaseInfo
  • maven-source-plugin: configured to build and attach a source jar.
  • maven-javadoc-plugin: configured to build and attach a javadoc jar.
  • maven-gpg-plugin: configured to sign everything. It expects to find a passphrase in ${gpg.passphrase}, presumably in your settings.xml.
  • checksum-maven-plugin: configured to create a checksum file(s) for source release as required by Apache release distribution policy.

When doing a release with maven-release-plugin, this will create files in target/checkout/target ready to be copied to projects' Apache /dist/ release distribution directory:

  • ${artifactId}-${version}-source-release.[zip|tar.gz]: the source release archive(s)
  • ${artifactId}-${version}-source-release.[zip|tar.gz].sha512: their checksum(s)
  • ${artifactId}-${version}-source-release.[zip|tar.gz].asc: their signature(s)

Settings Configuration

You can have a look at the page in Apache website Publishing Maven Artifacts.

You can test your environment setup using -Papache-release with the command line.


Version Release Date
21 (diff, commits) 2018-08-21
20 (diff, commits) 2018-07-07
19 (diff, commits) 2018-01-24
18 (diff, commits) 2016-05-18
17 (diff, commits) 2015-04-24
16 (diff, commits) 2014-11-13
15 (diff, commits) 2014-09-24
14 (diff, commits) 2014-03-06
13 (diff, commits) 2013-01-20
12 (diff, commits) 2012-11-01
11 (diff, commits) 2012-08-08
10 (diff, commits) 2011-08-09
9 (diff, commits) 2011-02-15
8 (diff, commits) 2010-11-26
7 (diff, commits) 2009-12-29