XXPolicyRefRole Data Type

The persistent class for the x_policy_ref_role database table.

name data type type namespace min/max occurs description
policyId long element 0/1 Returns the value for the member attribute policyId
roleId long element 0/1 Returns the value for the member attribute roleId
roleName string element 0/1 Returns the value for the member attribute roleName
Properties inherited from XXDBBase
addedByUserId long element 0/1 Returns the value for the member attribute addedByUserId
createTime dateTime element 0/1 Returns the value for the member attribute createTime
id long element 0/1 Returns the value for the member attribute id
updateTime dateTime element 0/1 Returns the value for the member attribute updateTime
updatedByUserId long element 0/1 Returns the value for the member attribute updatedByUserId

