Class Domains

  extended by org.apache.shale.view.AbstractFacesBean
      extended by org.apache.shale.view.AbstractApplicationBean
          extended by org.apache.shale.examples.mailreaderjpa.Domains

public class Domains
extends org.apache.shale.view.AbstractApplicationBean

Application scope bean containing cached domain lists and other application wide information. In addition, it includes code to bootstrap the database contents if this is the very first time that newly created database tables are accessed.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Logic getLogic()
          Return the business Logic for this application.
 javax.faces.model.SelectItem[] getProtocols()
          Return an array of select items for valid protocols.
 void init()
          Initialize the profiles list from the database.
 void setLogic(Logic logic)
          Set the business Logic for this application.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.shale.view.AbstractApplicationBean
Methods inherited from class org.apache.shale.view.AbstractFacesBean
erase, error, error, fatal, fatal, getApplication, getApplicationMap, getBean, getExternalContext, getFacesContext, getLifecycle, getRequestHeaderMap, getRequestMap, getRequestParameter, getRequestParameterMap, getRequestParameterValues, getSessionMap, getValue, info, info, log, log, retrieveData, saveData, setBean, setValue, warn, warn
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Domains()
Method Detail


public Logic getLogic()

Return the business Logic for this application.


public void setLogic(Logic logic)

Set the business Logic for this application.

logic - The new business logic instance


public javax.faces.model.SelectItem[] getProtocols()

Return an array of select items for valid protocols.


public void init()

Initialize the profiles list from the database. If necessary, bootstrap the database content if it is completely empty.

init in class org.apache.shale.view.AbstractApplicationBean

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