Package org.apache.synapse.commons.evaluators.config

Interface Summary
EvaluatorFactory This should be implemented by the Factories creating evaluators.
EvaluatorSerializer This interface should be implemented by the classes to serialize the Evaluator object model in to XML configuration.

Class Summary
AbstractEvaluatorSerializer Provide common methods for EvaluatorSerializer implementations
AndFactory This factory creates a AndEvaluator.
AndSerializer Serialize the AndEvaluator to the XML configuration defined in the AndFactory.
ConditionFactory This factory creates a Condition using the following XML configuration.
ConditionSerializer Serialize the Condition to the XML configuration defined in the ConditionFactory.
EqualFactory This factory creates a EqualEvaluator.
EqualSerializer Serialize the EqualEvaluator to the XML configuration defined in the EqualFactory.
EvaluatorFactoryFinder Factories for creating Evaluators are found using the evaluator name.
EvaluatorSerializerFinder EvaluatorSerializers for serializing Evaluators are found using the evaluator name.
MatchFactory This Factory creates a MatchEvaluator using the following XML configuration.
MatchSerializer Serialize the MatchEvaluator to the XML configuration defined in the MatchFactory.
NotFactory This Factory creates a NotEvaluator from the following XML configuration.
NotSerializer Serialize the NotEvaluator to the XML configuration defined in the NotFactory.
OrFactory This factory creates a OrFactory using the following XML configuration.
OrSerializer Serialize the OrEvaluator to the XML configuration defined in the OrFactory.

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