Class ScriptMediator

  extended by org.apache.synapse.mediators.AbstractMediator
      extended by org.apache.synapse.mediators.bsf.ScriptMediator
All Implemented Interfaces:
AspectConfigurable, Mediator, SynapseArtifact

public class ScriptMediator
extends AbstractMediator

A Synapse mediator that calls a function in any scripting language supported by the BSF. The ScriptMediator supports scripts specified in-line or those loaded through a registry

    <script [key="entry-key"]
      [function="script-function-name"] language="javascript|groovy|ruby">
      (text | xml)?

The function is an optional attribute defining the name of the script function to call, if not specified it defaults to a function named 'mediate'. The function takes a single parameter which is the Synapse MessageContext. The function may return a boolean, if it does not then true is assumed.

Field Summary
protected  javax.script.ScriptEngine scriptEngine
          The BSF engine created to process each message through the script
Fields inherited from class org.apache.synapse.mediators.AbstractMediator
log, trace, traceState
Constructor Summary
ScriptMediator(String language, Map<Value,Object> includeKeysMap, Value key, String function)
          Create a script mediator for the given language and given script entry key and function
ScriptMediator(String language, String scriptSourceCode)
          Create a script mediator for the given language and given script source
Method Summary
 String getFunction()
 Map<Value,Object> getIncludeMap()
 Value getKey()
 String getLanguage()
 String getScriptSrc()
protected  void initInlineScript()
          Initialise the Mediator for the inline script
protected  void initScriptEngine()
 boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx)
          Perform Script mediation
protected  void prepareExternalScript(MessageContext synCtx)
          Prepares the mediator for the invocation of an external script
Methods inherited from class org.apache.synapse.mediators.AbstractMediator
auditLog, auditWarn, configure, disableStatistics, enableStatistics, getAspectConfiguration, getDescription, getLog, getTraceState, getType, handleException, handleException, isStatisticsEnable, isTraceOn, isTraceOrDebugOn, setDescription, setEffectiveTraceState, setTraceState, shouldTrace, traceOrDebug, traceOrDebugWarn
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected javax.script.ScriptEngine scriptEngine
The BSF engine created to process each message through the script

Constructor Detail


public ScriptMediator(String language,
                      String scriptSourceCode)
Create a script mediator for the given language and given script source

language - the BSF language
scriptSourceCode - the source code of the script


public ScriptMediator(String language,
                      Map<Value,Object> includeKeysMap,
                      Value key,
                      String function)
Create a script mediator for the given language and given script entry key and function

language - the BSF language
includeKeysMap - Include script keys
key - the registry entry key to load the script
function - the function to be invoked
Method Detail


public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx)
Perform Script mediation

synCtx - the Synapse message context
the boolean result from the script invocation


protected void initInlineScript()
Initialise the Mediator for the inline script


protected void prepareExternalScript(MessageContext synCtx)
                              throws javax.script.ScriptException
Prepares the mediator for the invocation of an external script

synCtx - MessageContext script
javax.script.ScriptException - For any errors , when compile the script


protected void initScriptEngine()


public String getLanguage()


public Value getKey()


public String getFunction()


public String getScriptSrc()


public Map<Value,Object> getIncludeMap()

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